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EMAIL ADDRESSTELEPHONE NUMBERDeep Spinal Release done in SE Portland
Nervous System RESET is done on Zoom Testimonial from January 2024
This is a question and answer Testimonial
1. Where you started: Can you share a little about what brought you to me? What benefit were you looking for, or what concern/challenge you were working to resolve. Can you ‘paint a picture’ of your situation body/mind/spirit/life before your sessions? “I was experiencing anxiety, I couldn’t fully relax, like I was on a constant alert. Often finding that after a few hours of working that I felt overstimulated & with this came a foggy mind. I could be triggered into this state very easily by words, loud sounds, a bad nights sleep, feeling of pressure from work/people /life. Along with this panicky feeling was exhaustion, I couldn’t work at any intensity for more than a few days without having to take a week or so to recover. So, I was in this boom bust cycle & feeling like my health was really restricting my life. I couldn’t step towards my dreams as I was constantly feeling like the carpet was being pulled out from under my feet.” 2. The results/effects: On and ongoing basis in your sessions, what benefits, realizations, awareness’s or changes have developed in your body/mind/life? Can you share about the benefits you’ve gotten from the sessions with me? What has improved, resolved, changed? Feel free to describe the shifts in detail: your body/mind/life or knowledge post working with me? “Things have shifted from working with Janis, I have times now, often multiple days in a row that I feel calm, settled & safe. I’m sleeping better & the feeling of an internal constant shaking has reduced significantly. My capacity is growing & I’m finally feeling that I’m starting to fill my tank & not running on empty all the time. These shifts started right from our first session & have grown as I’ve continued with the practices each day. Janis helped me to find very simple practices that only took a min or two a few times a day to bring a gentle awareness to how I was doing & support the settling of my nervous system. I’ve also started to notice when I’ve had enough of something, I can now step away from things when I notice I’m complete or that my capacity is not there to continue, this has felt quite ground breaking & really empowering – I hadn’t realised how I had been pushing myself past my natural limits & that pulling back from my edge was so supportive in the long run. I’m looking forward to reflecting back in 6 months’ time to see the shifts from there, I know there’s more to come.” 3. Describe me: If there is one thing people should know about working with me, what is it? This can be totally personal and based upon YOUR STORY. For instance: If you were to describe working with me to a friend, what would you say? OR: Can you describe your experience of working with/learning from me? “Janis holds a very genuine commitment to those she works with, I could feel this right from the moment we met & this really helped me to feel like I had someone on my team, a cheerleader to support me. Janis is fun to talk with too, our sessions always felt good to be in, we quickly connected & so the work could begin. Janis really encouraged me to listen to myself, she didn’t hold any expectations of what I should be, she embraced me as I am & gently encouraged me to discover my needs & then choose that.” |